Number of Volumes 11
Number of Issues 38
Number of Articles 384
Number of Contributors 979
Article View 634,072
PDF Download 456,087
View Per Article 1651.23
PDF Download Per Article 1187.73
Number of Submissions 2,147
Rejected Submissions 1,420
Reject Rate 66
Accepted Submissions 360
Acceptance Rate 17
Time to Accept (Days) 264
Number of Indexing Databases 7
Number of Reviewers 308

Scientific Journal of Teaching Research

Important news: Received A grade and a score of 80 from the Publications Evaluation Commission of the Ministry of Science in 1396.

Remarkable Dear researchers and scholars

According to letter No. 3/18/102381 dated 05/18/1695, the Director General of the Office of Policy and Planning of Research Affairs and the Secretary of the Scientific Journals Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the quarterly "Teaching Research" has been awarded scientific-research credit.


Remarkable respected authors and researchers

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  2. Before submitting the article, pay attention to the fit of the article with the axes inserted in the goals and perspective section of the journal.
  3. Before submitting an article, please make sure that articles with a similar topic are not published in previous issues of the journal.

5.The journal of teaching research is published in collaboration with the Iranian Curriculum Studies Association.

6.The "Teaching Research" quarterly is indexed on the ISC database.

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  2. This publication accepts all the terms and conditions of COPE regarding the protection of the rights of authors and the ethics of research.
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Current Issue: Volume 12, Issue 4 - Serial Number 40, February 2025, Pages 1-201 

Publication Information

Indexing and Abstracting