Guide for Authors

Authors Guides

In the Name of God

Research in Teaching is a journal in the field of education, learning and teaching, which is published four times a year and the conditions for accepting the article are as follows:

1- General features of the article

• The article should be the result of the author (s) research.

• The article should not have been published in another journal and should not have been submitted to another journal until the end of the review process.

• The publication of the article is subject to the final approval of the editorial board.

• Acceptance of the article for publication will be notified to the author after the approval of the Review Committee.

• The author is responsible for the content of the article.

• The editor of the journal is allowed to do copy editing and academic editing on the article without changing its content.

• The volume of the article should not exceed twenty-five pages.

• Attach the full name of the author, academic degree, university where you teach or study, field of study, e-mail, author’s phone number on a separate page.

• Submitting an article is only possible through the System of Journal of Research in Teaching in the Journals System of the University of Kurdistan at (to do this, you must first register in the system).

2- Article components

• Title: The general name of the article that expresses and represents the content of the article.

• Profile of the author: including the name and surname of the author, academic degree, field of study, university where he teaches or studies.

• Abstract: A comprehensive description of the article with limited words (200 words or ten lines) including an overview of the problem statement, purpose, research method and findings.

Keywords: Includes five to seven specialized words that are more important in the article than other words.

• Introduction: Includes the purpose and mention of the literature review of the article (briefly).

• Main body: including the main text of the article, theoretical foundations, methodology, data analysis, findings, discussion and conclusion.

• Footnote: Appears at the bottom of each page if necessary.

• Sources: Cataloging article citations based on the journal style.

• English Abstract: In Times New Roman font size 11 (up to 1000 words).

3- How to adjust the text

Developing a model of entrepreneurship education for students of University of Kurdistan ///Developing Students’ Entrepreneurship Education Model of University of Kurdistan (B Nazanin 12)

Author Name [1], Author Name [2] *, Author Name [3], Author Name [4]

Abstract (B Nazanin 10)

Do not repeat the title in the abstract.

(((In the abstract, the type of method, methodological components, the most important results should be mentioned. All the contents of the abstract should be given in one paragraph. Research verbs should be given in the past. The maximum number of abstract words should be 300 words))). For example, the research method was descriptive-correlation with emphasis on structural equations. The statistical population of the study consisted of all employees of the University of Tehran (3237 people). Cochran’s formula was used to determine the sample size and 343 people were selected as the sample. They were selected through using the proportionate stratified method. Data were collected based on three questionnaires of reengineering, organizational learning and organizational performance that their Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.87, 0.92 and 0.88, respectively, and their face and content validity was approved by the specialists. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL software. Research results should be mentioned briefly. There is no need for numbers.

Keywords: Reengineering, Organizational Learning, Organizational Performance

  Authors/Affiliation (to be mentioned completely and accurately as below, both in the article and inside the site and in the side section, these specifications will not be modified in any other way after accepting the article)


1- Assistant Professor of Educational Management, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


2- PhD student in Educational Management, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


1. Assistant Professor of Educational Management, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2. PhD student in Educational Management , University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

      ((((Introduction should include statement of problem, the importance and necessity of conducting research on the main research variables. At least 2 and at most 3 pages of content should be written in this regard. In quoting the statements and writings of others trustworthy must be taken into account. And according to the format of the journal and the style of the APA, the bibliography should be written in the text and at the end, it is necessary to refer to similar articles published in previous issues of the quarterly and use them to refer to the quarterly of school management or Research in Teaching. In two or three final sources, the name and specifications of the Research in Teaching quarterly should be available. In review articles, it is necessary to have at least 20% of the in-text and end-text references from the author’s former works. The articles of doctoral students in the fields of educational sciences whose area of study is Educational Administration and other fields of study of educational sciences, and articles extracted from the professors and researchers’ research projects which have addressed the educational systems are in the priority of review. In terms of Persian and English fonts, page margins, etc., exactly this file should be considered and the contents of the article should be copied and saved in the same file. The maximum number of pages of an article should be 20 pages. In the following paragraphs, an example of referencing, etc. can be considered))))

In cases where you are referring directly to a person or quoting a topic from him, only the year should be enclosed in parentheses and the person’s last name should be mentioned on the left side of the year.

 Wang (2008)

 (11 Times New Roman font)

Organizational performance [5] is identified as a measure of productivity and effectiveness of an organization (Gadot, 2006). How employees perform accurately and comprehensively is one of the main focuses of human resource research (Wang & et al, 2008). The growing trend of competition in organizations, especially educational organizations, has made the achievement of competitive advantage more complex and improving organizational performance is one of the main concerns of senior managers of educational organizations. Organizational performance is the most important issue for for-profit and non-profit organizations, and knowing the factors affecting organizational performance is very important for managers, because it is important to take the right steps in the beginning (Barney, 1991). In today’s world, where we are witnessing dramatic changes and developments in various fields, the environment is facing a lot of turmoil and uncertainty. Competition has intensified, the life cycle of businesses and products has been shortened (Kroeger, 2007: 6-7), and organizations have faced many challenges and developments that traditional structures and hierarchical and inflexible features are not able to respond to. Therefore, today’s organizations have no choice but to change their way of thinking, attitude and perception.

Of course, it means changes that are comprehensive and favorable and move the organization to improve performance. (Zahabioun & Yousefi, 2007). Survival in such changing environments is possible only by achieving superior organizational performance, which requires attention to the factors affecting organizational performance (Kroeger, 2007: 6-7); Which can be achieved from different paths (Ahmad & Schroeder, 2003). Therefore, organizations for success and survival need to create a position, system and structure that both use the capacity and commitment of human resources at all levels of the organization and lead to continuous learning and effective application of knowledge in the organization (Alipour & et al, 2011 ; Demers, 2009). Accordingly, re-engineering [6] and organizational learning [7], which both seek to adapt to environmental changes and take advantage of opportunities to improve and increase the quality of organizational performance as a new concept and strategy have entered management.

Literature Review

  (((It is necessary for the researcher to refer to 3 to 5 external and internal researches related to his / her research that he / she uses in the discussion and conclusion section. In the literature review, it is necessary to mention the researcher’s name, the year of the research and the most important results of that research.

At the end of the literature review, the researcher should point out the most important questions or hypotheses that s/he addresses in the findings section and mentions the conceptual model of her/his research by expressing the main variables.

Research Methods     

In the methodology section, the researcher should choose the type of research method, community or field of study, sample and sampling method, data collection tools (who made it, year of tool development, number of questions or its content, dimensions, grading method, validity and reliability) the method and approach in data analysis should be stated. If it is mixed research method, all components of qualitative methodology (type of study approach, type of qualitative method and why to use, field of study and sample, selection method, coding method or approach in data analysis and interpretation, etc.) and Quantitative (type of method, statistical population, sample and sampling method, data collection tools, validity and reliability of tools, data analysis method) should be mentioned distinctively. Of course, in methodology, the principle of brevity must be observed, that is, while the explanations are brief, but all the components of the methodology must be mentioned. For example as follows:

The present research is applied in terms of aim, descriptive-correlative in terms of data collection and  is based on structural equation modeling (SEM [8]). The statistical population of this research was .... sampling method .... data collection tools including .... data analysis method was also with


      (((In the findings section, the researcher should answer the same questions or hypotheses raised before the methodology. While re-designing the question or hypothesis, their answers are provided in the form of tables, diagrams and explanations. The descriptions are as follows: The format of the tables should be as follows: The title and number of the table should be specified and the top of it should be in the center text format. The description of each table should be given below it. The title and number of the diagram and figure should be given below that diagram))).

 Descriptive findings related to the mean, standard deviation and also the correlation coefficient between the research variables are shown in Table 1. These results show that the average of reengineering (2.67) and organizational learning (2.51) is lower than the average (number 3 in the 5-point Likert Scale) and the average of organizational performance (3.03) is average (number 3 in the 5 point Likert Scale); therefore, all three variables are far from their desired level. The correlation results show that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between reengineering with organizational learning (r = 0.52) and organizational performance (r = 0.60) at the level of 0.01 and also organizational learning and organizational performance (r = 0.63) have a positive and significant relationship at the level of 0.01.

Sample table:

Table 1. Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation between research variables






Organizational Performance

Organizational learning


Standard Deviation














 Organizational learning






Organizational Performance

** Significance at the level of 0.01

Discussion and conclusion

       (((In the discussion and conclusion section, the result of each question or hypothesis should be mentioned and this result should be compared with the results of similar research in terms of consistency or inconsistency, and then the result should be interpreted. Some practical suggestions should be given) )).

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of reengineering on organizational performance with the mediating role of organizational learning. The first findings of this study indicate that reengineering has a positive and significant relationship with organizational learning and organizational performance as well as organizational learning with organizational performance, since the relationship between research variables was significant, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to investigate the impact of reengineering on organizational learning and organizational performance as well as the impact of organizational learning on organizational performance. Model processing indices showed that the designed structural model has good processing in all indices. Also, the study of standardized values ​​and T values ​​of research variables with direct and indirect effects based on the structural model paths confirmed the research hypotheses.

In the final bibliography, some important points should be considered:

(((First, the sources in the text and the end should be completely consistent. The exact APA style should be observed. The format of the journal should be observed. The Latin specifications of Persian sources should be given. Exactly the same feature that is on the cover of the work, not the author’s translation should be considered. Persian sources should include the phrase [in Persian]. Articles should have the name of the journal, period and issue in italics. Books should have italic titles. In dissertations, the title of the dissertation should be italic.. Be sure to refer to the Quarterly New Approach in Educational Management))).

For example




  • Bahreyni, S. S. (2006). Analytical review of the implementation of re-engineering processes in higher education. Journal of Andish-e-Sadegh. (23): 106-83. .[in Persian]
  • Barney, J., & Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and the Theory of Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17, 99-120.
  • Eisner,E.(1998). Educational Imagination: on the design and evaluation of school programs. NY: Macmillian




English abstract:

A 1000 word English abstract with the names of the authors should be prepared at the end of article.

4- Reference to sources in APA method (all sources are in English)

1-4- References within the text

• Surname of the author or  name, date of publication of the work: page or pages. There is no need to write “p” for page number. Also write numbers from right to left; Like (122-136)

• The reference text (direct quotation) should be enclosed in parentheses and its address in parentheses; Like (Saif, 1368: 426).

• If the text refers to several works by the same author, each of those works will be separated based on the difference in the date of publication and in the final references, they will be identified by the name of the work.

• If reference is made to two published works by an author in the same year, it is necessary to distinguish them first in the final references by writing “a” and “b” next to the year of publication, and then in the internal sources, after the author’s last name, the year of publication should be written with “a” or “b”; For example (Hosseini, 1389 a : 26)

• 2-4- Final reference (sources)

-4- 1- Reference to the book

• Surname of the author or pen name, name, date of publication of the work (in parentheses with a space after the author), name of the book, name and surname of the editor or translator, cover, date of publication, place of publication, name of the publisher (without mentioning the word “Publishers”).

• In the final sources, the name of the book or doctoral dissertation is written in italics (Iranian); therefore, avoid using boldface or putting it in quotation marks.

-2-4-2 References to the article

• Author’s surname, name, date of publication of the work (in parentheses with a space after the author’s name), main title of the article (in quotation marks), name and surname of the editor or translator, original title of the encyclopedia or quarterly and journal (Iranian and without mention Term of the magazine, etc.), period or year of publication, number, pages in which the article is mentioned (without using “p”).

• The title of the article and master’s thesis is in quotation marks only and is not italicized or used in bold font.

-2-4-3 Reference to the dissertation

• Surname of the author, name, year of defense (within parentheses with a space after the author), title of the dissertation, defended course, name and surname of the supervisor, name of the university and college of the student.

• As mentioned, the title of the doctoral dissertation is written in italics (Iranian) and the title of the master’s thesis is in quotation marks only.

4-2-4- Referrals to Internet sites

• Author’s last name, first name, date of posting on the website (in parentheses with a space after the author’s name), title of the article or work (in quotation marks), email address of the website.

• References to such material are necessary when written sources are not available.

5- Further Notifications:

• It is necessary to insert the sign of (ّ = tashdid – indicates a double-consonant
ً = tanvin – written above âlef - اً, pronounced -an') in Arabic words.

• Any additional explanations other than references are in the footnote.

• In the resources section, if the author’s name is not known, the work name will be replaced.

• In the list of sources, if the source specification is more than one row, create a half-centimeter indentation for the second row.

• Avoid numbering or hyphens at the beginning of resource list entries.

• References to ancient sources are based on the name by which the author identified; Like Nasser Khosrow and not Ghobadiani.

• In quoting sources from different languages, follow the rules of the same language to capitalize the first letters; This means, for example, that in French, except for proper nouns, all nouns begin with lower case letters; While in German, the grammatical name is written in capital letters and the rest of the words are written in lower case and ....

[1] - Assistant Professor of Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

[2] - PhD student in Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

[3] - PhD Student in Educational Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

[4] - PhD Student in Economics and Financial Management of Higher Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran