The Effectiveness of Research Course Teaching on The Professional Competencies of Primary School Teachers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in the field of curriculum planning, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate professor in curriculum studies the research institute for research & development in humanities the organization for researching and composing university textbooks in the humanities (Samt), Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Research Institute of Studies, Educational Research and Planning Organization, Tehran, Iran.



Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of lesson study training on the professional competencies of primary school teachers.
Method: The present study was semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test follow-up design with a control group. With the available sampling method, 30 people were selected and randomly divided into two equal groups of 30 people. They were replaced by the experimental group of lesson study training for primary school teachers and the subjects of the control group did not receive any intervention until the end of the follow-up phase.  Data collection was done with the help of standard questionnaire of teachers' professional competencies. The data analysis of the research was done using Covariance Analysis of Intergroup Effects.
Findings: After comparing the data obtained in the pre-test and post-test between the experimental and control groups and performing the analysis of covariance between the groups, the results showed that there was significant difference between the total scores of the teachers' professional competencies in the experimental and control groups after the implementation. There was a significant difference in the lesson study training course compared to the group that did not receive lesson study training, so lesson study training has increased the professional competence of the trained teachers at a significant level. Also, the professional competencies score of teachers who have received lesson study training has improved more.
Conclusion: The effectiveness of lesson research training on the professional qualifications of primary school teachers has been influenced by dimensions and components such as content knowledge, educational knowledge, experience, reflective and critical thinking, mass collaboration, student learning, problem solving and innovation, empowerment and ownership, which work together to promote Teacher development, student learning, and overall amelioration of school education are applied.
The indicators of professional competence of primary school teachers include: teaching skills, expert knowledge, classroom management, interpersonal communication, motivating and motivating students, and the ability to assess and evaluate. These indicators play an important role in determining the quality of teaching and the academic progress of students.
In pedagogy, teachers can ameliorate their skills in teaching subjects by using their professional competence indicators. By analyzing the pros and cons of the courses and providing proper solutions, they can increase the quality of their teaching and strengthen the students' learning, and by examining the main topics and educational methods in providing the content, they can make the necessary changes and improvements in their teaching programs.
According to the above explanations, it can be concluded that there is a direct relationship between the indicators of professional competence of primary school teachers and pedagogy. The indicators of teachers' professional competence affect the quality of students` teaching and learning, and the research enables teachers to improve the quality of students` teaching and learning by applying these indicators. Eventually, in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in elementary schools, it is essential for teachers to pay attention to their professional competence indicators and to study, analyze and improve their teaching programs by applying case studies.Since lesson study training has an effect on the professional qualification competencies of teachers, it is recommended to pay attention to lesson study training to grow and strengthen the professional competencies of teachers. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in elementary schools, it is necessary for teachers to pay attention to their professional competence indicators and to study, analyze and improve their teaching programs using lesson research.
Regarding the results and considering the positive and constructive effect of the pedagogy on an important category such as the teachers` professional competence, it is recommended that this curriculum is widely taught to teachers in all schools and educational levels; additionally, the teachers apply them in their teaching method.
The findings indicate that under the pre-test statistical control conditions, with 95% reliability, the ratio between the total scores of the teachers' professional qualifications of the experimental group and the control group after carrying out the training course via applying pedagogy for primary school teachers, a significant difference was observed in the group which had not been exposed by training. Thus, the pedagogy has an impact on the professional qualifications of elementary teachers.


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